EduTech4 – Software For Schools, Colleges and Educational Institutes


EduTech 4 School Management Software

Pre Admission Module
→ Record Enquiry.
→ Sale of Prospectus/Registration form.
→ Fee Details.
→ Other Details (if any).

Fees Management Module
→ Setting of different types fees.
→ Setting of fees according to class.
→ Collection part payment or by installment.
→ Generate invoice.
→ Generate receipt for each payment.
→ Generate various types of reports.
→ Total fees collection by class / date
→ Fee due list by class

Examination Module
→ Setting of different Exams.
→ Setting of Test Papers
→ Scheduling of Examinations
→ Setting / Reviewing Syllabus
→ Reviewing results
→ Generating Report Cards

Staff Module
→ Personal details
→ Qualification details
→ Leave details
→ Salary
→ Pay slip
→ Library
→ Parent communication
→ Student communication

Fee Module
→ Manages complete fee record
→ Maintains register of fee receipts and outstanding
→ Amounts on a student/class basis
→ Collection of fees full/partial/by cash/on line
→ (payment gateway)/cheque.
→ Refund of fees.
→ Various reports for fees and its related information

Administrator Module
→ User Management
→ Set Fee Structure
→ Setting of Key Parameters of Software
→ SMS Integrator
→ Staff management
→ Manage scholarship
→ Manage academic year
→ Student promotion

Hostel Module
→ Admission / attendance
→ Create rooms
→ Allot/Transfer room
→ Manage fees
→ Manage mess
→ Hostel inventor

R.F.I.D. Based Attendance
→ Automised Attendance
→ Alert S.M.S. Of Student Present / Leaving the School etc.
→ Easy to Manage

Payment Gateway
→ Easy to use tool for Fee Collection and other financial transactions
→ 24*7 Open - No long Queues for payments
→ Multiple Payment Options Credit / Debit Card, Net Banking
→ Easier Reconciliations
→ Customised Reports

Accounting Module
→ Generate Payments/Receipts.
→ Day book, Ledger Accounts, Trial Balance etc.
→ Reports like Aged Receivables/Payables.
→ Various reports for Accounting are available.

Payroll Module
→ Generate Pay Slip.
→ Payment for employees/staff.
→ Provides generation of pay slip and related statements.
→ Various reports for payroll are available.

ID card Generation
→ Generate customized reports for ID card printing.

Student Alumni
→ Keep record of all Alumni.
→ Invite for Alumni function by E mail, SMS.
→ Old student Registration/Login.
→ Old Student Blog.
→ Registered User Search.

Notice Board Management
→ Manage Notice board

Human Resource Management
→ Manage human resource.

Scholarship Management Module
→ Manage scholarship
→ Reports

Store and Inventory Module
→ Maintain stock
→ Various types of stores

Syllabus Management
→ Manage date wise syllabus as per board/University.
→ Syllabus coverage reports to principal.

Placement Cell
→ Manage student C.V.
→ Manage recruiters
→ SMS/E mail alerts.

Student Module
→ Profile details.
→ Attendance reports.
→ Marks reports.
→ Assignments.
→ Time table.
→ Academic calendar.
→ Various reports.

Teacher Module
→ Student attendance
→ Student marks
→ Class assignment
→ Time Table
→ Student Leave Status
→ Parent communication
→ Leave Application
→ Progress Report

Parent Module
→ Facility to Log in to the system
→ View Students Academic Details/Status
→ Attendance
→ Time Table
→ Leave Application
→ Progress Report
→ Communication with staff
→ Fee
→→ Details
→→ Schedules

H.R.M.S. Module

Time Table Module
→ Auto generating Time Table.
→ Staff wise /Student wise.
→ Various reports can be generated.

Library Module
→ Record of issues & return of books.
→ Fine collection.
→ Reservation of books online.
→ Maintain book catalogues.
→ Report generation of above.
→ SMS alerts for due books.
→ Generation of barcode.

Transport Module
→ Bus Details
→ Route and Timings

Cafeteria Module
→ Invoices and receipt generation
→ Weekly menu generation.

SMS and E-mail
→ Send bulk sms/E mail to parents, students and staff.
→ Send customized SMS like
→ Registration
→ Evens alerts
→ Exam marks details to parents.
→ Attendance details to parents.

Event Management Module
→ Manage various types of events.
→ Add Academic Events
→ Alerts for Upcoming Events.